A poem to celebrate the birthday of Dame Judi Dench

A poem to celebrate the 90th birthday of Dame Judi Dench on 9 December By Henry Dawe of Uppingham, Rutland

She served up a fine Ophelia
That was just the start of things
Weighty parts, then wedding rings
Passed between two sweethearts fair
Dashing, dainty, debonair

She found her strength and stay, her rock
Until there came her cruellest knock
Bravely facing life’s dark cycle
She fought back from losing Michael

She has played illustrious roles
Juliet and Sally Bowles
Iris Murdoch, gentle Jean
And Good Bess, The Virgin Queen

Titania and ‘M’ in Bond
Securing fame across the pond
But home is here upon these shores
We thrill at each success she scores

And her fans have been so loyal
Seeing her as almost royal
She has splendour, charm and grace
Radiance glows upon her face

It’s true that all the world’s her stage
And every day she fills a page
Of this, her story, in her hand
My, how she has enriched our land

On her path she’s met the greats
Heroes, giants, heavyweights
Actors, writers and top brass
Saw her style, her wit, her class
She’s known them from Cleese to Oddie
Brucie, Kenny, Babs and Doddy
Joined by thesps from ‘Reggie Perrin’
She swapped jokes with old Ned Sherrin

Stephen Sondheim, Stephen Fry
Never does an hour go by
When she does not thank and praise
Gifted stars who’ve shared her days
But one star outshines all today
One beacon guides them on their way
To that most sumptuous birthday feast
With cake and treacle tart at least

Ninety candles there to see
Ninety years – that’s more than me
Britain now shows gratitude
To its one, its only: Jude

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The features 'Meet our Ladies of 2024' appears in the December 2024 issue of The Lady magazine.
Available in shops from Friday 6th December 2024.
