
Supporting your menopause journey

Introducing Femarelle®

Designed to support you through your menopause journey.

Are you one of the 13 million women aged between 40-70+ who could benefit from more support during the menopause?

Femarelle® is used by millions of women worldwide during perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. It’s all about getting the balance right.

Femarelle® contains soy derivative DT56a and vitamin B6, which can help contribute to regulating hormones and, in turn, energy, helping you to feel more like the best version of yourself during menopause.

Find the right Femarelle® for you:

  • Femarelle® Rejuvenate: targets the perimenopause stage - women in their 40s confronted with the start of hormonal fluctuations.
  • Femarelle® Recharge: targets the menopausal woman - women suffering from the classic signs that come with the end of menstruation.
  • Femarelle® Unstoppable: for the post-menopausal stage - women who want to promote their bone health and maintain better quality of life and healthy aging
  • Femarelle® is available at Weldricks, Amazon and on their website: here

    INTRODUCTORY OFFER: £7.99 + p&p (RRP £24.99) until 30th April

    We hope this helps!