Q&A with Liz Earle MBE

Liz Earle MBE is a wellbeing entrepreneur, TV presenter and the number one bestselling author of over 35 books on a range of health, beauty and wellbeing topics, including her latest bestsellers The Good Menopause Guide and The Good Gut Guide. A global brand pioneer, Liz co-founded (but is no longer connected to) the multi-award-winning Liz Earle Beauty Co., before moving on to launch Liz Earle Wellbeing.  She is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Liz Earle Wellbeing magazine (published internationally by Hearst), founder of Liz Earle Fair and Fine, an award-winning range of Fairtrade gold botanical jewellery and hosts the popular Wellness with Liz Earle weekly podcast.

  • Can you tell us a bit more about your involvement with the charity Wellbeing of Women and your passion in supporting women’s health issues?

I’m a keen supporter of Wellbeing of Women and all they do to improve the health of women and babies. Women’s health, and in particular the menopause, is a real passion of mine and I am thrilled to be speaking at the forthcoming Wellbeing of Women event at Holkham Hall on 24th September.

  • How do you feel about the national and international dialogue regarding women’s health issues such as the menopause, and do you feel this dialogue should change in any way?

I’m pleased that there is increasing dialogue on women’s health and in particular the menopause. For so long it has been a taboo subject and we need to talk about it more and see it as simply another phase in life than is both natural and liberating. Speaking personally, like most women, I had no real concept of what the menopause would be like until I started to consider my own personal journey – I found it baffling that there was so little information available to me and the millions of others who were at a similar stage of life. Advice was muddled and contradictory rather than positive and practical, so I decided to write The Good Menopause Guide and my follow up e-guide The Truth about HRT.

  • As a prolific writer and entrepreneur, what challenges do you see for other women striving to campaign in favour of more awareness and support regarding women’s health issues?

It can be hard to have your voice heard when there are so many other competing voices and campaigns out there.  You need to really do your research and know your subject so that you become a trusted voice. 

  • What are your top tips for a good daily routine and do you have a ‘hero’ product?

I’m pretty low maintenance so my routine in the morning includes some quick skincare with a cleanser followed by serum, then cream blusher, neutral eye shadow, mascara and a styling spritz of unscented hairspray.

If I had to choose a ‘hero’ product it would be kefir. I have a glass of kefir, a live super-yoghurt drink packed with powerfully beneficial probiotics mid-morning, and I find this gives me a real boost and has made a big difference to my overall health and wellbeing.  I also use it as a naturally ‘live’ skin cleanser and leave a layer on my skin at the weekends for smoother, brighter skin.

  • What are you most proud of?

 I’ve been fortunate to have so many proud and memorable moments, not least receiving an MBE from Her Majesty the Queen. That was a phenomenal moment. More recently, I was especially pleased to launch Liz Earle Wellbeing magazine, and also to see my new Fairtrade jewellery brand win three prestigious industry awards, including Best Collection from the Company of Master Jewellers.

  • What has been the hardest part of your journey as a businesswoman?

I was always nervous about putting myself in the spotlight but I now really love having my own voice through my TV work and through social media, especially Instagram.


Wellbeing of Women, the charity fundraiser event at Holkham Hall on 24th September, details here 

Liz Earle's The Truth about HRT £4.99 https://lizearlewellbeing.com/product/the-truth-about-hrt/
