Planting an Easter Basket

Planting an Easter Basket- A Step-by-Step Guide from Daylesford

With the hard frosts of winter behind us, and buds on branches bright and green with new leaf, this time of year is full of expectancy and excitement as springtime unfolds into full bloom. Bringing bulbs into your home not only creates an incredible scent, it also reminds us that this is the season of revival and new life. At Daylesford we like to forage on our farm for nature’s seasonal offerings to include in our floral arrangements at Easter. Here is our step-by-step guide on how you can create a beautiful table centrepiece or the perfect gift for a loved one.


Choose a container that has a nice deep base to ensure enough space for the bulbs – we like to use a wicker basket for its natural finish. To prevent your basket from leaking water onto your table or surface, gently place a waterproof lining along the inside. Scatter a layer of gravel in the base of the basket for drainage. This will act as a reservoir and prevent your arrangement from getting waterlogged.



Firstly, decide what assortment of bulbs you would like in your arrangement, and if you would like a single variety or a mixture of colour and shape. With such an incredible variety of bulbs available to buy we like to use narcissi, hyacinths,  tulips, snowdrops and crocuses in a mixture. Next, place your bulbs on the bed of gravel to see how many you will need. The size and shape of your basket will determine the number of bulbs you use.


Place a generous amount of compost around the bulbs (general purpose will be perfectly suitable), gently pressing around each bulb to ensure they are secure. Allow enough space to layer a cover of moss over the compost, – this not only looks beautifully natural, it also helps to prevent moisture evaporating when you water the bulbs.


We like to explore the hedgerows of Daylesford farm throughout the year, bringing seasonal nature into our homes. At this time of year we look for birch twigs or branches, cherry blossom, pussy willow and catkins. Lightly arrange the branches around the bulbs.


Finish off by scattering some little eggs, such as quail eggs, for the perfect Easter arrangement.

Visit new DAYLESFORD GARDEN SHOP IN THE COTSWOLDS to pick up a variety of baskets and arrangements, or alternatively join Head Florist Tina Stallard-Pearson for one of their FLORISTRY WORKSHOPS.