’Tis the season for coughs – whether niggly dry coughs or deep chesty coughs, don’t let them ruin your Christmas and New Year. All coughs benefit from a steam inhale. Just put a few drops of Olbas oil in a bowl of recently boiled water and with a towel over your head breathe in deeply. You can make up your own ‘inhale’ mixture – with readily accessible herbs such as sprigs of rosemary, thyme, sage and garlic and a few drops of eucalyptus or pine oil. These plants all have anti-bacterial properties and some have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant ones too.

In keeping with the festive spirit, pine oil is mentally uplifting, too. Aromatherapists use the oil for mild depression and when the adrenals are worn out. Neal’s Yard has an essential oil made from Scots pine, though never use it undiluted as it’s very strong, and not for internal use.

Over Christmas, catch up on any of my columns you’ve missed on The Lady website, so until January, have a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

Sof McVeigh: www.thehomemadecompany.com www.herbs-hands-healing.co.uk