HOME HELP: 22 November
JJ, by email
A Natural cloth wallcoverings are very fashionable at the moment. Textile company Thibaut sells Grasscloth Resource, a covering made of natural materials, in muted colours, priced from £81 for a 7m by 91cm roll.
Thibaut: 020-7351 6496, www.thibautdesign.com
Q I recently bought a French armchair, covered in beautiful striped velvet, but in a very bad condition. I would like to reupholster it in a similar fabric. Where can I look?
PD, by email
A The Pisa range from Nottingham-based firm Modelli is a hardwearing striped velvet that comes in thin stripes in combinations of plum, gold, silver and black. The Bardolino features wider velvet stripes in earthier colours on a linen-look ground. They both cost £29.95 per metre. Modelli is online, but will send out samples.
Modelli Fabrics: 01949-851116, www.modellifabrics.com
Q I remember my parents using brass and leather bellows to revive a dying fire. Are they still made?
DR, Suffolk
A The Forge at Wells offers bellows in 10 different designs, in natural, black and carved wood and in leather, with a brass tip, ranging from £21.45 to £45.95.
The Forge at Wells: 01749-870250, www.theforgeatwells.co.uk
Q Do you know a specialist company that repairs old kilims?
MB, by email
A Kilimshop knows everything about old kilims and has a very reassuring website, plus an advice line for quotes.
Kilimshop: 0800-612 7847, www.kilimshop.co.uk
Send your queries to the usual Bedford Street address or email Hugh St Clair at hughstclair@googlemail.com